Author Archives: Mr. Boar

China Retaliates Against U.S. ; Spy Ship Now in Hawaiian Waters

Link: The Honolulu Star is reporting that China has moved ” spy ships” in to Hawaiian waters, believed to be as an act of retaliation against U.S. occupation of the East China Sea. China’s navy has never entered these waters. One media outlet aimed at an asian-American audience, the gold sea, is reporting that a 4000 ton electronic reconnaissance ship from the People’s Liberation Army was spotted within 200 miles of the Exclusive economic zone by Hawaii.

Navy SEALs Ordered To Remove ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ Navy Jack From Uniforms

Link: The Navy Jack is the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, one that has earned a revered place in America’s naval history and a beloved place in sailor’s hearts, through its use for over two centuries. This symbol of America’s naval ferocity has spanned our country’s entire existence, flying from the masts of the Continental Navy during the war of independence, to today’s War on Terror. In fact, an amendment to the Navy code called SECNAV Instruction 10520.6 clearly states that as of 31 May 2002 all ships are to fly the flag throughout the duration of the War on Terror.

Kudlow: Liberal Entitlement-State Dream Is Crumbling

Link: May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don’t have the freedom to choose their own health insurance? I just don’t get it. Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us? We can make them ourselves, thank you very much. It’s like choosing a car, buying a home or investing in a stock. We can handle it. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

Daylight Saving Time Is Terrible: Here’s a Simple Plan to Fix It

Link: Daylight saving time ends Nov. 3, setting  off an annual ritual where Americans (who don’t live in Arizona or Hawaii) and residents of 78 other countries including Canada (but not Saskatchewan), most of Europe, Australia and New Zealand turn their clocks back one hour. It’s a controversial practice that became popular in the 1970s with the intent of conserving energy. The fall time change feels particularly hard because we lose another hour of evening daylight, just as the days grow shorter. It also creates confusion because countries that observe daylight saving change their clocks on different days.

Dark Wallet Will Make Bitcoin Accessible for All—Except the Feds

Link: Bitcoin, the digital currency once known for powering the black market of the deep web, has officially caught the attention of the proverbial Man. The US government is working to regulate and control the crytocurrency; law enforcement is confiscating millions of virtual coins used for illegal transactions; and venture capitalists and entrepreneurs are chomping at the bit to profit from the hype.

Brazil wants to build enough wind turbines to power Sao Paulo within 7 years

Link: Brazil’s economy is growing fast, and it is expected to need an increase of 50% in power generation capacity over the next decade. Currently, the country gets quite a lot of its electricity from hydro, but because it is becoming more reluctant to build new dams on its numerous rivers, it is now turning to another plentiful source of energy: Wind power. The country doesn’t have much of it right now, but a big wind turbine boom seems to be starting.

25 Stats That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

Link: The 25 statistics that you are about to read are solid proof that the middle class in America is being systematically wiped out. Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world.  It seemed like almost everyone owned a home, had a couple of nice vehicles and could provide a very comfortable lifestyle for their families. Sadly, that has all changed.

The Single Best Overview of What the Surveillance State Does With Our Private Data

Link: The U.S. surveillance debate is constantly distorted by the fact that national-security officials hide, obscure, and distort so much of what they do. Occasionally a journalist is able to expand the store of publicly available information, most recently thanks to Edward Snowden’s indispensable NSA leaks. But even public information about government surveillance and data retention is difficult to convey to a mass audience. It involves multiple federal agencies with overlapping roles.